suwei Read aloud
suwei Read aloud
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Essay Sharing | Infuse a Touch of Elegance into Life
In New York, the author and a friend were drawn to a Steinway piano in a store. The staff cared not only about the budget but also about the harmony between the piano's sound and the individual. The friend tried playing Schubert but preferred Mozart. Guided by the staff's expertise, they experienced the sounds of different pianos and were ultimately moved by the tone of a second-hand Steinway, even though it was beyond their budget. This experience made the author profoundly aware of the power of music and personalized service, belie...
Просмотров: 195


A family with three leaks will be poor in future generations,
Просмотров 5389 часов назад
文章強調家庭和諧與子孫興旺的重要性。提到“三漏”(漏德、漏財、漏事)會導致家庭衰敗,而“三象”(讀書、身教、和睦)則能促進家族繁榮。強調德行、節儉、家庭隱私的保護,以及教育、榜樣、家人間的和諧對家族長久幸福的影響。 The article emphasizes the importance of family harmony and the prosperity of descendants. It mentions that "three leaks" (lack of virtue, squandering wealth, and indiscretion) can lead to family decline, while "three symbols" (cultivation of reading, personal example, and harmony) can pr...
Просмотров 15811 часов назад
加拿大共產黨員白求恩醫生,懷著對中國人民解放事業的無私奉獻,遠赴中國支援抗日戰爭。他的國際主義和共產主義精神激勵著每一位中國共產黨員,要與全世界無產階級團結一致,共同反對帝國主義。白求恩醫生對工作的極端負責和對人民的深情關懷,體現了一個真正共產主義者的精神。他在八路軍醫療系統中的醫術卓越,為技術精進樹立了榜樣。白求恩的精神和奉獻,是我們所有人學習的典范,提醒我們要摒棄自私,為人民的利益而生活。 Dr. Norman Bethune, a Canadian Communist Party member, dedicated his life to aiding China's war against Japanese aggression. Despite being over fifty, he journeyed to China, driven by a selfless com...
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.13 часов назад
著名歌唱家于淑珍和丈夫選擇住進養老院,認為這是老年人的新趨勢,減輕孩子負擔。她認為養老院生活有利于老年人社交,提供良好服務。一篇文章描述了一個85歲母親被送往養老院的情況,反映了家庭責 和老年人獨立生活的復雜性。文章中的女兒最終認識到,養老院為老年人提供了更好的生活質量和社交機會,是獨生子女家庭的理想選擇。 Renowned singer Yu Shuzhen and her husband chose to live in a nursing home, seeing it as a trend for the elderly to reduce the burden on their children. She believes that nursing home life is beneficial for the elderly to socialize and recei...
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.16 часов назад
《背影》是朱自清深情回憶與父親分別的散文。描述了作者在父親的陪伴下前往車站,父親為他安排一切后不舍地離開。最深刻的是父親買橘子時笨拙的背影,象征著父愛的沉重與辛勤,以及作者對父親深沉的思念和感激。這篇文章通過細膩的筆觸展現了中國傳統家庭中的親情和孝道。 "Backshadow" by Zhu Ziqing is a poignant memoir of parting with his father. It depicts the author's journey to the train station with his father's company, where his father meticulously arranges everything before leaving with reluctance. The most profound memory is the ...
Просмотров 13 тыс.18 часов назад
這篇文章介紹了一項美國關于壽命的重要研究,指出減少食物攝入量可以延長壽命。美國國立衰老研究所和塔夫茨大學的科學家發現,食物攝入量減少25%可以顯著提高好膽固醇水平,減少25%的腫瘤壞死因子,降低40%的胰島素抵抗,并降低整體血壓。研究表明,少吃不僅可以輕松延長20歲壽命,而且還不會有衰老跡象。文章強調吃到七分飽的好處,并提供了實現這一目標的實用建議,如慢慢吃和選擇富含纖維的食物。文章總結說,適度飲食可以帶來更健康的心血管系統、更好的免疫功能和更長的壽命。它還概述了八條黃金飲食規則,包括餐飲時間、飲食多樣性,以及避免過量飲食以預防癌癥、過早衰老、癡呆和肥胖等疾病。信息很清楚:少吃,活得更長。 The article presents a significant U.S. study on longevity, suggesting that reducing food intake c...
Просмотров 10 тыс.21 час назад
這篇文章探討了中國社會中“文化”的含義及其在個人身份認同和社會政治中的作用。作者指出,文化不僅僅是識字或藝術鑒賞,而是一種深層的社會力量,影響著社會地位和權力結構。文章通過歷史和現代的例子,展示了中國人對于文化的功利看法,以及這種觀念如何影響人們對知識和文化活動的態度。最終,作者提出,文化活動的價值不應僅僅局限于其直接的“用處”,而是應該被視為生活的一部分,不受功利主義的限制。 The article discusses the concept of "culture" in Chinese society and its role in personal identity and socio-political contexts. It highlights that culture is not merely literacy or artistic appreciation b...
Просмотров 5 тыс.23 часа назад
李玉的散文《墻角的父親》講述了大將和他父親的感人故事。大將在幫助搬家時發現了一本記錄著父親辛苦賺錢的筆記本,每一筆開銷都被仔細記錄。盡管有穩定的收入,他的父親在徐州冷庫辛勤工作,卻節儉地居住在一個狹小的閣樓里。文章揭示了父親無私的愛和犧牲,他忍受著體力上的辛勞,以確保兒子的教育和福祉。故事在大將浪費時間和金錢在網吧后,發現父親深沉的愛,并決定改變自己的行為,以表彰父親的奉獻,達到了高潮。這篇散文是對許多默默支持家庭的父親們的沉默而深刻的愛的致敬。 In the essay "The Father in the Corner" by Li Yu, the author recounts a poignant story of his friend, Da Jiang, and his father. Da Jiang, while helping a fellow villager m...
Просмотров 4,5 тыс.День назад
塞繆爾·厄爾曼的《年輕》強調,年輕是一種心靈狀態,不受年齡限制。它代表著創造力、活力和樂觀的態度。真正的衰老來自理想的喪失和內心的悲觀,而保持年輕的秘訣在于心中的無線電臺,它接收著美好和希望的信號。只要我們持續追求夢想,我們就能永遠保持年輕。這篇文章在美國和日本產生了深遠影響,成為許多人的生活哲學。 Samuel Ullman's essay "Youth" conveys that youth is a state of mind, not confined by age. It represents creativity, vitality, and an optimistic outlook. True aging stems from the loss of ideals and inner pessimism, while the secret to staying you...
Why Did Lu Xun Abandon Medicine for Literature? The Essay 'Mr. Fujino' Reveals the Reason!
Просмотров 394День назад
魯迅的《藤野先生》描述了自己在日本的經歷,他觀察了東京的生活和仙臺的醫學專門學校。提到了文化差異,如留學生的辮子和跳舞的熱情。在仙臺,他遇到了藤野嚴九郎教授,盡管遇到了誤解和挑戰,但他對藤野教授的尊敬和感激之情始終不變。最終,他決定放棄醫學,但仍然珍視與藤野教授的關系和教導。 Lu Xun's "Mr. Fujino" describes his experiences in Japan, observing life in Tokyo and the medical school in Sendai. He noted cultural differences, such as the braids of the students and their enthusiasm for dancing. In Sendai, he met Professor Fujino Genkuro...
Why has Cai Yuanpei become the ceiling of contemporary university education?
Просмотров 251День назад
蔡元培作為北大校長,通過四大舉措改革教育:確立獨立宗旨,推崇思想自由,實行教授治校與民主管理,以及追求教育體制的獨立。他的領導將北大從官僚腐敗轉變為思想自由的世界級大學,影響了整個時代。他的教育理念和改革至今仍被傳頌。 Cai Yuanpei, as the president of Peking University, reformed education through four major initiatives: establishing an independent purpose, advocating for free thought, implementing professorial governance and democratic management, and pursuing the independence of the educational syste...
How should one live their life? This essay is worth reading! Insights on life
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.День назад
人生是無常和短暫的,我們應珍惜每一刻,保持積極心態。面對不可控的事,應接受并適應。幸福源于內心的平和,而成長往往來自生活的轉折點。我們應為自己而活,放下執念,活出真我,享受生命中的每一次風景。這就是人的一生。 Life is impermanent and fleeting, so we should cherish every moment and maintain a positive attitude. Facing uncontrollable events, we should accept and adapt. Happiness stems from inner peace, and growth often comes from life's turning points. We should live for ourselves, let go of obsessi...
Просмотров 648День назад
這篇著名散文主要描述作者朱自清,在寧靜的月光下,在荷塘邊獨自散步的心理感受以及對荷塘的一系列描寫。他沉思在自然之美和獨處時的自由之中,遠離了白天的義務。荷葉和花朵沐浴在柔和的月色中,喚起了和平與與過去聯系的感覺,提醒敘述者生活的簡單樂趣。 This renowned essay primarily describes the author Zhu Ziqing's psychological experiences while walking alone by the lotus pond under the tranquil moonlight, along with a series of depictions of the pond. He contemplates the beauty of nature and the freedom of solitude, detach...
Essay: "Always Believed Marriage is a Matter of Destiny" by Yan Lianke
Просмотров 863День назад
閻連科的散文《總以為,婚姻是命定的事》記錄了他與妻子的婚姻,是在父親病重的壓力下匆忙決定的。因父親的心愿和命運的安排,他帶著決斷從軍營趕到開封,向猶豫中的妻子提議結婚。她考慮后同意了,兩人在1984年10月結婚,隨后他的父親在冬天去世。這篇散文反思了婚姻與命運的復雜關系。 Yan Lianke's essay, "Always Believed Marriage is a Matter of Destiny," recounts how his marriage to his wife was hastily decided due to his father's serious illness. Driven by his father's wish and a sense of destiny, Yan rushed from his military camp to Kaife...
Do you feel increasingly tired? If you identify with one of these seven personalities, take note!
Просмотров 88214 дней назад
這篇短文探討了七種性格特質,它們可能導致人們感到生活壓力大:心太軟的人總是遷就他人,太善良的人容易被利用,太懂事的人往往被忽視,太重感情的人常常犧牲自己的幸福,愛胡思亂想的人精神上自我消耗,太看重錢財的人可能會被財富所束縛,而拿得起放不下的人則可能因為執念而受困。作者提醒讀者,適度的自我保護和界限設定是為了更好地生活。 The short essay discusses seven personality traits that can lead to feeling overwhelmed in life: People with soft hearts always accommodate others, overly kind people are easily exploited, overly sensible people are often overlooked, th...
eading Liu Zongyuan's 'Three Warnings' | True wisdom lies in recognizing one's own limitations
Просмотров 56814 дней назад
eading Liu Zongyuan's 'Three Warnings' | True wisdom lies in recognizing one's own limitations
When You're Old and Lying in Bed, You'll Understand: The Closest People in This World Are Just Two
Просмотров 4,7 тыс.14 дней назад
When You're Old and Lying in Bed, You'll Understand: The Closest People in This World Are Just Two
Wisdom of Life: Attitude for a Good Life, Unhurried and Unflustered!
Просмотров 4,8 тыс.14 дней назад
Wisdom of Life: Attitude for a Good Life, Unhurried and Unflustered!
A Short Story: A Conversation Between a Fried Dough Twist Seller and the County Chie
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.14 дней назад
A Short Story: A Conversation Between a Fried Dough Twist Seller and the County Chie
Do Not Neglect Midlife: All the Misfortunes of Old Age Begin in Middle Age
Просмотров 2 тыс.14 дней назад
Do Not Neglect Midlife: All the Misfortunes of Old Age Begin in Middle Age
Who Will You Meet in Your Lifetime? In Fact, It's Already Destined, Very Accurate!
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.14 дней назад
Who Will You Meet in Your Lifetime? In Fact, It's Already Destined, Very Accurate!
The old saying goes, 'Do not hang mugwort on the sixth; hanging it will not bring peace
Просмотров 17 тыс.21 день назад
The old saying goes, 'Do not hang mugwort on the sixth; hanging it will not bring peace
Luo Xiang: Never Underestimate Those Who Are Calm as Water-The Wisdom of Life
Просмотров 2 тыс.21 день назад
Luo Xiang: Never Underestimate Those Who Are Calm as Water-The Wisdom of Life
What determines the gap between the rich and the poor? Seven top-tier mindsets reveal the answer!
Просмотров 91721 день назад
What determines the gap between the rich and the poor? Seven top-tier mindsets reveal the answer!
"If parents aren't 'tough', much of education is futile, no matter how busy, take the time to read!
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.21 день назад
"If parents aren't 'tough', much of education is futile, no matter how busy, take the time to read!
Просмотров 24721 день назад
How to see through a person? Look at these 3 places and you'll know! It can't be concealed
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.21 день назад
How to see through a person? Look at these 3 places and you'll know! It can't be concealed
Zhu Deyong's Essay | More difficult than forgiving others, is forgiving oneself
Просмотров 81421 день назад
Zhu Deyong's Essay | More difficult than forgiving others, is forgiving oneself
Philosophical Wisdom: The dialogue between the old monk and the young monk, an enlightening read!
Просмотров 13 тыс.21 день назад
Philosophical Wisdom: The dialogue between the old monk and the young monk, an enlightening read!
Mencius: With these 'four hearts,' good fortune comes uninvited! Such is the wisdom of life
Просмотров 77428 дней назад
Mencius: With these 'four hearts,' good fortune comes uninvited! Such is the wisdom of life


  • @BianJinyan
    @BianJinyan 12 часов назад


  • @user-mf2sm5pf5k
    @user-mf2sm5pf5k 23 часа назад

    出軌變奏曲 厚顏無恥 有夫之婦,不顧譏嫌 送有婦夫,淫戀穢詞

    • @suwei
      @suwei 21 час назад


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 День назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 21 час назад


  • @anthonyandrose2803
    @anthonyandrose2803 День назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 21 час назад


  • @user-6Gst
    @user-6Gst День назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 21 час назад


  • @usertobe
    @usertobe День назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 21 час назад


  • @shanwei5614
    @shanwei5614 День назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 21 час назад


  • @user-eg9mf3qi9m
    @user-eg9mf3qi9m День назад


  • @zil3272
    @zil3272 День назад

    古人的感蕴 又岂是现代人能吟诵的。 任何的感情及描绘 都是虚推 都是对其人的藐视,简单的知道其诗就够了. 棋盘外的傍观都喜欢说当局者是怎样想的 经历过什么的.

    • @suwei
      @suwei 21 час назад


  • @LynnCT7
    @LynnCT7 День назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei День назад


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 День назад

    👍 nice video ,thank you very much❤ today I see another very meaningful video🤗

    • @suwei
      @suwei День назад


  • @user-js6iq4ic4f
    @user-js6iq4ic4f День назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei День назад


  • @pollychow7015
    @pollychow7015 2 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei День назад


  • @jiayongchu1583
    @jiayongchu1583 2 дня назад

    少年时代,我家的书櫃里有很多书,其中有几本在非页上用毛笔楷书写着冰心二字,字体工整,谅必出自冰心亲笔(当时家父已经在牢里,5 3年被抓的)。后来文革破四旧,书全都烧了。

    • @suwei
      @suwei День назад


  • @il6524
    @il6524 2 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei День назад


  • @user-em8ku9yx7e
    @user-em8ku9yx7e 2 дня назад


  • @user-rf1vs9cy9j
    @user-rf1vs9cy9j 2 дня назад

    小小寰球,有几个苍蝇碰壁。嗡嗡叫,几声凄厉,几声抽泣。 蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易。正西风落叶下长安,飞鸣镝。 多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。四海翻腾云水怒,五洲震荡风雷激。要扫除一切害人虫,全无敌。

    • @suwei
      @suwei День назад


  • @hanzhusu
    @hanzhusu 2 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дня назад


  • @user-yk2ou1jr4w
    @user-yk2ou1jr4w 2 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дня назад


  • @chuaaihua6518
    @chuaaihua6518 2 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дня назад


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 3 дня назад

    Thank you

    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дня назад


  • @anasu4729
    @anasu4729 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 2 дня назад


  • @user-yk2ou1jr4w
    @user-yk2ou1jr4w 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @user-se2gh9qz4b
    @user-se2gh9qz4b 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @UngSenang-bs5qg
    @UngSenang-bs5qg 3 дня назад

    古月 言兑 八 道,古月 编 乱 造 ,哗 众 取 宠

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @user-me5pf4xi2d
    @user-me5pf4xi2d 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @y0y4y1y7
    @y0y4y1y7 3 дня назад

    老人免疫力要提高 🇺🇸美國希望老人家👴 營養不良 😢 肺炎病毒🦠感染

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @游守佳
    @游守佳 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @hoiyingting1686
    @hoiyingting1686 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @user-kk9jr9jl7h
    @user-kk9jr9jl7h 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @N8888
    @N8888 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @zhensuzeng8947
    @zhensuzeng8947 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @ginalee7704
    @ginalee7704 3 дня назад

    我今年 69 歲了,每天@11AM只吃一頓全天然食物。我試著吃更多,但我做不到。我的肚子已經飽了。你說我們必須吃 25 種不同的食物,而且不能吃太多,我不明白怎麼辦?

    • @ginalee7704
      @ginalee7704 3 дня назад

      一天一餐我的身體很滿足😄 每天我在家吃的食物都是從新鮮開始準備的,這讓我很忙,這就是為什麼我每天都期待自己吃得好,吃得飽。👍🙏🇺🇸

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @Cituegin
    @Cituegin 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @user-nl8to2kw3c
    @user-nl8to2kw3c 3 дня назад

    巴拉巴拉講一大堆文不對題結構鬆散不知所云, 根本就是chatGPT文章

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @user-mx7ec4tf5l
    @user-mx7ec4tf5l 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @user-hd1dm5ud6e
    @user-hd1dm5ud6e 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @honghuajiang8505
    @honghuajiang8505 3 дня назад

    一江宏桦東医 公开给全世界人類有关新冠肺炎 有关新冠炎要怎样医治法,根据我经过五十多年研究,這些病全在每一个人身体里,肌肉細胞爆发出耒的病症,当肌肉細胞分裂时毒素不能排出毛细孔時,只要用充 熟肌肉細胞疫苗,是最好的医治方法,不用吃藥不用打針,只要充熱給身体发熱流出毒的汗水就可以了。 在我们全身从头到手和脚共有 三 百 万 个小毛细孔,耒充熟打开排汗水,給毛细孔呼吸,当在充熱时里面的熱度能升至五十度左右,充熱二十分 鈡后,汗水能达到-公斤左右。 这一公斤毒素的汗水,是肌肉细胞分裂時的毒素 是从三 百 多 万 个毛细 孔排出耒的。 身体就健康舒服起来了,还有什么流行新冠肺炎呢? 斬草除根,春风吹不在生。 长寿百岁。 Dokter Jiang Honghua Timur Pengungkapan kepada manusia di seluruh dunia tentang pneumonia koroner baru Mengenai cara mengobati COVID-19, menurut penelitian saya selama lebih dari 50 tahun, penyakit ini semua ada di tubuh semua orang. Sel otot meledak keluar dari penyakit. Saat sel otot membelah, racun tidak bisa dikeluarkan dari pori-pori. Vaksin sel otot adalah metode pengobatan terbaik. Anda tidak perlu minum obat atau suntikan. Anda hanya perlu mengisi ulang tubuh untuk menghasilkan panas dan keringat. Ada tiga juta pori-pori kecil di seluruh tubuh kita dari kepala hingga tangan dan kaki. Itu mengisi untuk membuka keringat dan menghirup pori-pori. Saat dipanaskan, panas di dalam bisa naik sekitar 50 derajat, dan akan dipanaskan selama 20 menit Setelah sekop, keringat bisa mencapai sekitar satu kilogram. Kilogram racun keringat ini adalah racun yang diproduksi saat sel otot membelah, yang dikeluarkan dari lebih dari tiga juta pori. Tubuh Anda akan sehat dan nyaman Apa epidemi pneumonia koroner baru? Memotong gulma dan akar, angin musim semi tidak lagi hidup. Umur panjang seratus tahun. Jiang Honghua Eastern Doctor Disclosure to humans around the world about new coronary pneumonia Regarding how to treat COVID-19, according to my research for more than 50 years, these diseases are all in everyone’s body. Muscle cells explode out of disease. When muscle cells divide, toxins can’t be discharged from the pores. The cooked muscle cell vaccine is the best method of treatment. You don’t need to take medicine or injections. You only need to recharge the body to heat the body and release poisonous sweat. There are three million small pores in our whole body from head to hand and foot. It fills up to open perspiration and breathes in the pores. When it is heated, the heat inside can rise to about 50 degrees, and it will be heated for 20 minutes. After shoveling, sweat can reach about one kilogram. This kilogram of toxin sweat is the toxin produced when muscle cells divide. It is discharged from more than three million pores. Your body will be healthy and comfortable. What is the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia? Chopping the weeds and roots, the spring breeze is not there. Longevity is a hundred years old. ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @honghuajiang8505
    @honghuajiang8505 3 дня назад

    .江宏樺東医教授 公開给全世界人類,要怎样给身体里肌肉和血液里的毒素排出? 只要您用二十分钟充熱来給身体发熱排出毒素的汗水.。毒素汗水能排出一公斤左右,這样充熟排汗不可以天天排。 第一倜疗程一個月三次,以后一月一次也要看身体里的健康情况。 註 =充熱的好处很多好处太多了,如肺癌,心臟病,高血压,高血糖。高血脂,哮喘,腰酸腿疼背疼,流鼻涕,发高,燒,頭痛, 咳嗽,糖尿病,呼吸困難等等全部的病症都能改善慢慢健康起来不用打針吃藥,不管什麼病都能夠治疗断根。 .Professor of Oriental Medicine Jiang Honghua Open to the world, how to remove toxins from the muscles and blood of the body? As long as you use 20 minutes of heating to heat your body and expel toxins through sweat. About one kilogram of toxins can be excreted in sweat, so perspiration cannot be excreted every day. The first course of treatment is three times a month, and then once a month, depending on the health condition of the body. Note = The benefits of heat charging are many. There are too many benefits, such as lung cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. Hyperlipidemia, asthma, backache, leg pain, backache, runny nose, high fever, headache, cough, diabetes, dyspnea, etc. All diseases can be improved and gradually become healthy. No injections or medicines are needed. No matter what disease it is, it can be treated. Cut off the roots. .Profesor Pengobatan Oriental Jiang Honghua Terbuka untuk dunia, bagaimana cara mengeluarkan racun dari otot dan darah tubuh? Asalkan Anda menggunakan pemanasan selama 20 menit untuk memanaskan tubuh dan mengeluarkan racun melalui keringat. Sekitar satu kilogram racun dapat dikeluarkan melalui keringat, sehingga keringat tidak dapat dikeluarkan setiap hari. Pengobatan pertama adalah tiga kali sebulan, kemudian sebulan sekali, tergantung kondisi kesehatan tubuh. Catatan = Manfaat heat charge sangat banyak, banyak sekali manfaatnya, seperti kanker paru-paru, penyakit jantung, darah tinggi, dan gula darah tinggi. Hiperlipidemia, asma, sakit pinggang, sakit kaki, sakit punggung, pilek, demam tinggi, sakit kepala, batuk, kencing manis, sesak nafas, dll. Semua penyakit bisa disembuhkan dan lambat laun menjadi sehat. Tidak perlu suntikan atau obat-obatan. Apapun penyakitnya , bisa diobati, potong akarnya.

  • @honghuajiang8505
    @honghuajiang8505 3 дня назад

    江宏樺東医教授 公開给全世界人類要怎樣才能给壽命延長 第一先把我们身體里的肌肉细胞和血液里毒素全部把它排出小毛細孔外。 第二我們平常呼吸是靠肺部呼吸的,有時身體里的氧氣不足夠,需要加一個横膈膜呼吸(也就是腹部呼吸)全部氣才能輸送到五臟六腑至到全身。 練習時先把双手輕輕按放在肚臍上,然後把肚子收縮凹進去,才開始慢慢吸氣 ,吸到肚子氣滿凸出,需要吸到一定深度,這样氣才能輸入五臟六腑及全身 Jiang Honghua, Professor of Oriental Medicine Disclose to the world how humans can extend their lifespan First, remove all toxins from the muscle cells in our bodies and blood from the small pores. Second, we usually breathe through the lungs. Sometimes there is not enough oxygen in the body, and we need to add diaphragmatic breathing (that is, abdominal breathing) to transport all the air to the internal organs and to the whole body. When practicing, first gently press your hands on your belly button, then contract your belly and then start to inhale slowly until your belly is full and bulges out. You need to inhale to a certain depth so that the breath can enter the internal organs and the whole body. Jiang Honghua, Profesor Pengobatan Oriental Mengungkapkan kepada dunia bagaimana manusia dapat memperpanjang umurnya Pertama, keluarkan semua racun dari sel otot tubuh kita dan darah dari pori-pori kecil. Kedua, kita biasanya bernapas melalui paru-paru, terkadang oksigen di dalam tubuh tidak cukup, dan kita perlu menambahkan pernapasan diafragma (yaitu pernapasan perut) untuk mengangkut seluruh udara ke organ dalam dan ke seluruh tubuh. Saat berlatih, pertama-tama tekan lembut tangan pada pusar, lalu kontraksikan perut, lalu mulailah menarik napas perlahan hingga perut kenyang dan membuncit, Anda perlu menarik napas hingga kedalaman tertentu agar napas dapat masuk ke organ dalam dan seluruh tubuh.

  • @dakexiaowang56
    @dakexiaowang56 3 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 3 дня назад

    After all this years after bringing up our children .is good to stay in old age home because over there we mix with friends and the most importantly is that our responsible as a parent is over 🎉😎

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @dakexiaowang56
    @dakexiaowang56 3 дня назад

    说句实话 养老院的出现已经是没有办法的办法 我自己以为由自己了断在家最好 做好遗嘱 安乐死在家里

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @tanpohkian4945
    @tanpohkian4945 4 дня назад

    读得感人肺腑! 触人心弦!❤

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @jantan1811
    @jantan1811 4 дня назад

    全世界没文化的国家太多了!这要看看什么定义,为什么偏偏是中国人没文化??? 这话题太无聊😂

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @boonkailee8237
    @boonkailee8237 4 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @mimilion5990
    @mimilion5990 4 дня назад

    先說有不敬的地方,先聲聲對不起。 以照片的氣質與外貌來說,一個一看就是氣質出眾的大小姐,另一個像是身旁的小小雜務處理員。

    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @user-mo6cy1ui1b
    @user-mo6cy1ui1b 4 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @sonwen9442
    @sonwen9442 4 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 3 дня назад


  • @chien-fuchen8284
    @chien-fuchen8284 4 дня назад


    • @suwei
      @suwei 4 дня назад


      @CHUNCHAULIU 4 дня назад

      什麼?毀滅了什麼? 江青認為,文化大革命是一埸“打著紅旗反紅旗”的革命運動。 我給出的結論是,文化大革命是一場全民參與的社會大辯論。 有生就有滅,有滅必有生, 朋友你就僅看到滅卻看不到生?

      @CHUNCHAULIU 3 дня назад

      1977年,因文化大革命停止招生的大學又重新开始。胡錦濤,秦剛,李克強⋯⋯,一大批那時前後入學的人都有了很大收穫,見證了知識改變命運的說法,却因此埋下了高處不勝寒的禍根⋯⋯ 江青認定,文化大革命是一埸“打著紅旗反紅旗”的革命運動。我自己認為,這是一埸全民參與的社會大辯論。 不知道朋友毀了什麼,只想知道,生了什麼。 有滅必有生,有生必有滅。送往迎來。